• March 29th: Anti-Racism & Counselling

    This workshop is an opportunity to reflect on the topic of race and racism and how this relates to anti-oppressive practice in counselling. We will deepen our understanding of systemic racism and its impact on people attending counselling, explore and consider our own relationship to the subject of race and how this play out in our work. Through interactive discussions and reflective exploration we will consider how to foster equitable, inclusive and anti-oppressive therapeutic practice. 

    Facilitators:  Ellie Muniandy is an anti-oppressive, queer POC therapist, trainer and facilitator who has been doing this work for over a decade. Lucy Mason is a Co-Director and Tutor with Flourish alongside an anti-oppressive, queer white therapist, trainer and facilitator, experienced in supporting white people to confront racism. 


  • April 26th: Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity

    This workshop will explore some of the relevant knowledge and skills to support people across the spectrum of gender identities, sexual orientations, and relationship structures in a counselling context. We will consider how to foster anti-oppressive, inclusive and affirmative practice, explore and challenge biases and consider how to navigate the complexities of diversity with sensitivity and confidence. 

    Facilitator: Lucy Mason is a Co-Director and Tutor with Flourish alongside an anti-oppressive LGBTQIA* Affirmative therapist, trainer and facilitator.


  • April 29th: Personal Development Group

    After last year’s were so well received, here’s another opportunity to participate in Flourish’s unique Personal Development Groups. The next group will run for 6 weeks on Tuesdays from 20 April and each group will have no more than 8 participants. More info here.

    Facilitator: Jim Flowers


  • May 17th: Working with Children & Young People

    This workshop is an opportunity to explore how to adapt your practice to working with children and young people.

    We will discuss areas you might need to consider in relation to environment, contracting, assessment and monitoring tools.

    We’ll also offer the time and space to have an experiential exploration of therapeutic tools.

    Facilitator: Rachel Watt


  • June 28th: Working with Loss & Grief

    We’ll spend some time looking at and sharing responses to the main theoretical models concerned with loss and grief, including theoretical ideas connected to attachment and change.

    Mostly, however, this will be a securely held space to explore the ways our own experiences of loss and grief impact on our lives, and what the potential impact might be on our client work.

    Our explorations will be as creative as possible and as creative as you’d like them to be.

    Facilitators: Rachel Watt & Alison Munro


  • Our Autumn CPD workshops

    We’re delighted to say that the planning of our Autumn programme is well underway too!